Every day we scour the Internet for the best stories in tech. Quite often we share this tech news on our Facebook page or via our Twitter account. We thought it might be a great idea, for those of you who may have missed those social shares, to read them on our site. So, without further ado, here are 10 stories we thought were tops for the week.
1. FCC Releases Full Net Neutrality Rules
2. Intenet Giants Issue Anti-spam, Anti-phishing Best Practices
3. Seattle Startup’s ‘Illuminating Piano’ Gets Big Boost From TODAY Show
4. Microsoft Reportedly Declines To Invest In $110M Round For Android OS-Maker Cyanogen
5. Working From Home Doesn’t Have To Cut You Off From Humanity
6. Cyber Attack Hits Madison, Wisconsin, After Police Shooting Of Tony Robinson
7. Almost 40,000 Medical Records Stolen In Hard Drive Heist
8. Seattle Police Dept. Hires Amazon VP As Top Tech Exec, Promising More Data-driven Crime-fighting
9. Apple, Microsoft Get Their FREAK Patch On
10. Apple Puts $50 million Towards Efforts To Build a More Diverse Tech Workforce
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