Every day we scour the Internet for the best stories in tech. Quite often we share this tech news on our Facebook page or via our Twitter account. We thought it might be a great idea, for those of you who may have missed those social shares, to read them on our site. So, without further ado, here are 10 stories we thought were tops for the week.
1. Dow Jones Hacked, Affecting Thousands
2. LogMeIn to Buy LastPass in $125 Million Deal
3. Lock Down Your Smartphones and Tablets
4. Cyber Warfare and the New Digital Arms Race
6. Governments See Cyber as a Confusing Weapon of War
7. T-Mobile Moving From NYSE to Nasdaq After a Year of Big Gains on Wall Street
8. Middle East Hacktivists Get Training From Eastern European Hackers
9. See-through Snapshots: Microsoft and UW Tech Takes Pictures That Are More Than Skin Deep
10. Jailbreak Gives Your Old iPhone 3D Touch
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