The big news this week for techies and Mac users? KeRanger Ransomware hits OS X. If you own a Mac, we recommend that you back up your system to a flash drive or external hard drive. You can read all the details on these stories and more below.
Every day we scour the Internet for the best stories in tech. As a technology company, we try to keep up to date on everything that is going on. Quite often we share this tech news on our Facebook page or via our Twitter account. We thought it might be a great idea, for those of you who may have missed those social shares, to read them on our site. So, without further ado, here are 10 stories we thought were tops for the week.
KeRanger Ransomware Hits OS X
1. ‘KeRanger’ Ransomware Hits OS X
2. Microsoft Teams With Rhode Island To Bring Computer Science To Every High School In The State
3. Dell: Cloud, Mobility and Malware Keep Execs Up at Night
4. Toyota Introduces Wearable Device For The Blind
5. Home Depot Sets Aside Millions to Pay for 2014 Breach
6. Facebook Fixes Major ‘Brute Force’ Bug
7. ISIS Data Breach Leaks Recruits’ Details
8. Apple Sets Next Product Unveiling For March 21 — A Day Before Big Court Hearing
9. Cyber Crooks Steal $80 Million from Bangladesh Bank
10. Online Users Are Not Protecting Their Own Security
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Oh no, ransomware has affected more computers everyday. This is very alarming specially on huge businesses and hospitals.