Every day we scour the Internet for the best stories in tech. Quite often we share this tech news on our Facebook page or via our Twitter account. We thought it might be a great idea, for those of you who may have missed those social shares, to read them on our site. So, without further ado, here are 10 stories we thought were tops today.
- Intel To Cut 5,300 Jobs in 2014
- Supreme Court to Consider Limits of Cellphone Searches
- 5 Ways Obama Wants to Change the NSA
- VIDEO from today’s NSA Speech: Obama says “US is not spying on ordinary people.”
- Here’s how President Obama addressed Edward Snowden in his NSA Speech
- Obama to Americans: You Don’t Deserve to be Free
- How to turn off in-app purchases in iOS 7
- How to back up and restore your Windows 8 Start screen layout
- 5 Awesome Web browsers for iPhone
- Windows 9 is now where Microsoft bets the company
If you have additional links, sources or ideas that might be helpful to our community, we encourage you to add them in the comments below.